Car Rental (Terios Deluxe) + Driver for 8 Hours (Includes Petrol & Parking Fees)

Kurnia Djaya Alam Jl. Manyar 4 No.1 Belian, Kec. Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
Tuan Rumah Anda :

Batam City

Harga Satuan

SGD 65.00 /Mobil/Hari
Bayar di Tripcetera

Jumlah Unit
  Mobil untuk 2 Hari

We provide a car rental with a driver cum guide who can speak Bahasa and English. Batam, an island that is known as an industrial city, is also built for hospitality and vacation spots. For a one-day tour, you can escape from your daily routine with an affordable budget. Yes, we are here to serve you for a city tour in Batam. From shopping at the market with reasonable local prices, reflexology and massage to fine dining. We will be happy to take you wherever you like.

Fasilitas / Fitur

tripcetera comportable seatKursi yang nyaman
tripcetera VIP serviceLayanan VIP
tripcetera free snackGratis makanan kecil
tripcetera mineral bottleGratis air mineral
tripcetera full acFull AC
tripcetera musicMusik
tripcetera videoFilm
tripcetera toiletToilet
tripcetera free refreshmentGratis Refreshment

Fasilitas Keamanan

tripcetera fire extinguisherPemadam Kebakaran
tripcetera first aidPeralatan P3K
tripcetera smoke detectorPendeteksi Asap

Foto Galeri

Apa yang Anda dapatkan ?


Syarat & Ketentuan

Kebijakan Pembatalan

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